Monday, February 1, 2010

The Winner & Our Next Party

When I wrote that bit about not blogging for a week, I thought I was joking, but look...I haven't posted for a week. I was pretty caught up in the drama of your votes and wondering who would win the coveted title of Favorite Party of the 2nd Annual Blogoversary Party Party (I think I need a shorter title). It became a super-close race between two gorgeous parties, The Jane Austen Tea Party, and the Cookies and Milk shower. In the end, the winner was....

Congratulations to Jen & Jamie for their picture perfect baby shower. I still need to know where you got your milk bottles, if you want your prize. :-) Not really (but I really do want to know), just send me your email address, and I will put you in touch with the fabulous ladies a Paper & Cake.

A special thank you to each of the finalists, and everyone who submitted parties. There is inspiration in all of them.

One more quick honorable mention: I'm not sure what to title it, but I was really impressed that Pampered Princess Parties threw an entire super-hero party that was cute and bright, without buying a single licensed product! How is that for a challenge!

And now for our next party....

THE PROGRESS (not perfection) in 2010 REPORTS

As much as I'd like everyday to be a party, there are lots of real world things we have to deal with. Between pregnancy, a wedding, and lots of other commitments, I have been functioning in survival mode for quite a while, and my home has really suffered. While I am still not a strong and energetic as I would like to be (if you are one of those pregnant women, with super-human strength and energy, I don't want to hear about it), thanks to the help of some wonderful family, and the ability to put a little more of my focus in my home, I am making progress toward some of my organization, decoration, and other home related goals.

I only have 3 mos. until #4 is scheduled to make his debut, and a lot to do in that time, so to help motivate me, I am going to have a monthly progress report, here on the blog. I am going to post about the projects big and small (like our new doorbell), that have been accomplished during the month. I'm going to try not to wait until a project is perfectly completed (meaning the photograph could have come out of BHG), to share it with you all. Because, I have realized that my projects are almost never DONE. There is always more I want to do when funds, and time allow, but I want to celebrate the small victories and motivate myself (and hopefully you, too.) to keep making progress. This may also mean posting some embarrassing before shots, but those are so encouraging to me. It's easy to think that everyone else has it all figured out, or they have naturally immaculate children, or somehow their house repels dust.

At any rate, I hope you will join me. For the next few months (at least), on the first of the month (except for this month, when I will post the party tomorrow--the 2nd), link up your own progress report. You can post a newly organized closet, a bathroom you got particularly clean, a new chore chart system for your kids, a furniture makeover project you have been procrastinating, a space you have decorated, really anything that you have been meaning to get around to doing, or all of it! Got it?

I hope we can come together and help motivate and inspire each other in our endeavors! See you tomorrow!


  1. I'm on the same kick! But without the new baby deadline. :) I was actually thinking about doing a post about my progress so far and the mile long list i have left - great timing!

  2. Congrats to the Party Winner. The thing I loved about the cookie party is it is so simple to do. I think it's about the pretty colors and yummy cookies!

    Which are both easy to find and put together a great party like this one.


  3. Congrats to the Cookies and Milk Shower! That was a lot of fun! Thanks for putting it together. And I have tons and tons of projects going on right now to.

  4. Great idea! And I love those baby shower pics. AMAZING!!!


  5. thanks for all the fun kendra! it made for a very exciting week!

  6. Congrats on the Party Win, we did a pj party for my two year old's bday. It's here

    Can't wait until the next go round!

  7. Thanks to everyone for being such great sports! I loved all of your parties! We'll do it again next year!

  8. How much fun! We're in the middle of several home improvement and organization porjects. I just posted what i call "Work Day Wednesday" for the first time today. And plan on updating it with all the projects as I keep going. I'll go back and add this to the post!

    I found your blog through Alanya :)
