Wednesday, March 3, 2010

500+ Followers! -- Chalkboard Decal Giveaway!

Somewhere in the middle of Miracle Worker Week, I reached another blogging milestone! I now have over 500 public google followers! Yea! So to say thank you, I thought it would be a great time to do a couple of fantastic giveaways. I had the opportunity to choose from a huge selection of items from the CSN stores to offer one of my lovely readers.
It's funny how decorating leads to more decorating. We weren't even working in my kitchen this time (except for all of the yummy bread and cookies my mom made while here), but I keep thinking about doing something with the backsplash, maybe up-grading the barstools, and would love to add some chalkboard panels like these to the sides of one of my cabinets. I would love to try out the decals, rather than paint, because if I change my mind later, I can easily take them down and use them elsewhere. Well, I don't get to do that right now, but one of you will!

To win the set of chalkboard decals (priced at $58), all you have to do is leave a comment about how or where you would use them. For a bonus entry, let me know you are one of my 500+ followers. The giveaway will end Monday night the 8th.


  1. I think this is a great giveaway. I would use these in my entry to help remember things as we walk out the door. I am one of your followers

  2. I would love to use the in a few different places - my son's room, the kitchen wall to occupy my kids while I cook, possibly the hallway. So many possibilities. Congrats on the milestone.

  3. Almost forgot, I'm also one of your followers.

  4. oh. . .they would be used in my mudroom, and i'm a follower!

  5. Either I would use them above my boys desks or apply them to boards & use them as a serving platter!

  6. Either I would use them above my boys desks or apply them to boards & use them as a serving platter!

  7. Congratulations! Great giveaway!

    Kim @
    party inspiration

  8. I would use them on the doors in my playroom. I wanted to paint them with the chalk board paint, but I didn't cause I wondered if I would change my mind about it...

    I'm following too!

  9. I would use them in one of the kids rooms or where they spend most of their time! Awesome giveaway.. congrats on 500 followers :)

  10. Great giveaway, I'd use them in the play room for sure.

    Oh and I'm a faithful follower of course!

  11. I would use one of them by the coat rack for a list of things the kids should remember in the morning, and the other I would put in the kitchen for doodling while dinner is brewing.
    I am a follower!

  12. I would put them in the playroom!

  13. those are cool! I think they'd be great in my kids' rooms.
    PS - Follower! :)

  14. I am a follower and commenter! Not just on giveaways :)

    These are so great and would go wonderfully in our new downstairs play room. I've been looking for soem and debating on whether to paint something with chalk board paint. But these would do nicely!

  15. I'd frame them and put one in the kitchen then one in the kids hallway to write bedtime routine reminders or surprise "I love you!" messages. And maybe another would go by the garage entry... oh the possibilities!

  16. and I am a follower here and on FB!

  17. I would love them our playroom or office area.

  18. I've been reading your blog for several months and just relized i'm not a follower-but now I am.

  19. I'm a follower and enjoy your blog very much.

  20. I would put on in each of my kids' rooms by their door with a check list of things they were supposed to do for their morning routine and a place to put special "I love you" notes.

  21. I would use them in my kids playroom!!

  22. And I am a google follower too!

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. I would put these in my playroom. Maybe my son would stop drawing on the carpet!

  25. I would use these in my boys room. He would love to finally have a reason to draw on the walls :)

  26. I follow your it!!!

  27. And I would use these in my teenager's room!

  28. I would probably use it in the kitchen. Or I would consult with you on a good spot in the house of course.

    Bonus - I am one of your followers

    Bonus #2 - I am your favorite sister :)

    Congrats on 500 followers! That is wonderful!

  29. Oh I could use these in several kids playroom would be awesome

  30. I'd use them in my home office - and I follow.
    - Danielle
    other-option AT hotmail DOT com

  31. i am a follower!
    I have a million places I could use these! I think I would put them in the bathroom, so we can leave each other love notes (maybe this will encourage them to stop writing on the mirror, walls, and everything else my little artists and poets can and do reach!) thanks! Letha

  32. I would definitely use these in my son's room and in the office too! I'm a follower too! Love your blog

  33. I'd use it on the side of my pantry in my kitchen
    Kim S.

  34. this would be great for my room or in the kitchen. :)

    lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

  35. oh i love those...i would use them in my it!!!!

  36. and of course i am a follower!!!!

  37. I have an old window hanging in my entryway. I would use this in some of the panes... too afraid to paint it :)

  38. i have the perfect spot in our basement for these panels!

  39. i'm a follower of your blog :)

  40. I am a follower of your blog! :)
    I would probably spread them through the house. I know my girls would LOVE to have them in their rooms. :)

  41. I would love these! I would use them in my newly, almost organized craft room!!!

  42. I would use these in my sons room!

  43. what fun...I would use it in my laundry/storage room to help out with organization!!!!

  44. annnnnd I follow, and have for quite a while!

  45. I am a loyal follower :) and I would use this in my five year old sons room I mean hello maybe he will actually play with it for over 2.3 second like everything else lol

  46. Would love to use these in my kitchen or my daughter's room since she loves to "teach" school to her brother.

    Heather in IN

  47. Would love to use these in my kitchen or my daughter's room since she loves to "teach" school to her brother.

    Heather in IN

  48. I would love to use these in my son's bedroom. He loves to draw on anything and everything. At his level these would make my magic erasered walls very grateful!

  49. I would love to use these in my pantry and laundry room! what a fun giveaway

  50. I am also one of your followers

  51. I would use these in my kitchen to replace the ugly white board I am using to post our weekly schedule!

    I am a new follower!

  52. I would use these in my kitchen, they are super cool. I am a new follower, so glad to find your blog.


  53. Oh I love this! I'd use them in my son's room. So fun!

  54. I am a follower with your button on my blog wall!!!

    I would totally use these in out mud room to jot down quick love notes to my boys for them to read as they gather their school supplies en route to the bus!

  55. These would be perfect in my little boy's room that I am redecorating! LOVE IT!

  56. ... And, yes! I am a follower. You have such wonderful ideas!

  57. Oh I love this. Lets see...I would use it to go under my bar for the girls to draw on...or in our playroom...or the hallway where our chore charts are...or in the kitchen...oh the choices!! I can't decide.

    I'm also a follower of your insanely cool blog ;)

  58. oooh great giveaway! I would use these in my daughters room for her imagination! thanks fo the chance!

  59. I would use them in my boys' bedroom.

  60. We're moving into a different house next week, so I'm not sure where they would go, but they would be put to use!

  61. I LOVE this idea, I too have been afraid to commit to the paint, so this could be perfect. I would like to up one each in the main areas of our house, with job lists. You on saturdays when we work together, they don't have to ask me what needs done, they can just go to that room and check things off. Printed lists have never worked because each week it might be something different I want them to do!! I love this idea!!

  62. Oh and YES I am definatly a follower!!

  63. What a great idea! Where COULDN'T I use the decals?? But I think the first place would be in my preschooler's room. She loves chalk :)

  64. Those are great and would be so fun on my kitchen island i'm thinking! and yes....i'm a follower of course:)

  65. I can't believe I wasn't following before! But I am now ;)

  66. o yea I would use them in my kitchen, or by the garage door (where our minimudroom is).

  67. I would use one for each kid to help them keep track of chores, schedules and notes. So great!

  68. I love these! I would use them in our play room or my craft room to keep the kiddos busy while I am working. Thanks, Carli

  69. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  70. I would love them either in my boys room, hall or kitchen.

  71. I'm a follower, and I would use them in our playroom!

  72. I think, that you commit an error. Let's discuss it. Write to me in PM, we will talk.

  73. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  74. HOW FUN! I would display the set of chalkboard decals in my dining room. I would write tonight's menu or even a special note for family or guest. Its a great way to make dinner fun for all! I never win anything, so i'll cross my fingers ;)

  75. HOW FUN! I would display the set of chalkboard decals in my dining room. I would write tonight's menu or even a special note for family or guest. Its a great way to make dinner fun for all! I never win anything, so i'll cross my fingers ;)

  76. p.s. i heart your blog & a loyal reader

  77. There's a wall in my kitchen that has been screaming for these for 6 years.

  78. I would use these in my kitchen for meal planning and grocery lists. I've got all my favorite blogs bookmarked and yours is there. :o)

  79. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  80. congratulations! i would use them in my daughters room.

  81. I would use them in the play room, and one in the kitchen as a 'grocery list' for sure!
