Tuesday, March 30, 2010

An Easter Mantle & the Third Trimester

There is much blogging that could be done. There is much blogging that I keep intending to do, but lately, my body doesn't seem to have the energy for doing much more than growing this baby. Between the discomforts and the fatigue of this last month or so of pregnancy, I am finding it increasingly difficult to be productive--even with the fun stuff, like blogging. So bear with me as I take it a day at a time and see what I am up for. Don't worry about me, though. Aside from my discomforts and fatigue, everything is looking great, babywise, and we are getting excited to welcome a new member of our family soon!

In the meantime, I thought I would give you a peak at
my mantle changed up for Easter.
I didn't really decorate for St. Patrick's day,
but I did collect my greenish things in a grouping
on the mantle for the month of March.
I recently added some Easter decorations, most of which, I inherited from my MIL.

I'm pretty sure this is a post I had planned but never got around to. I bet you can figure our how I transformed this light oak photo holder into it's current state of decor, but ask if you have any questions. I bet one of you will ask about the letters. They spell our last name.

Ok. My doctor, I mean husband, is instituting a curfew for me, and says I have to go to bed now. Check back as I may or may not be having a Progress, not Perfection linky party for March later this week (if I can rest up before then).

Oh, and in other news, I'm afraid my wheatgrass seeds, may be duds this year. I'm still holding out hope, but they should have sprouted by now. :-( If you want to see some gorgeous wheatgrass, and a gorgeous mantle, check out Erika's blog!

Ok. For real--to bed, now!


  1. So feeling your pain. I was pregnant last year, and was so miserable I didn't blog for 6 months or so. I couldn't WAIT to deliver. The baby's 1st year goes by WAY faster than being pregnant! Good luck. Like that tin on your mantel. I wouldn't do much, if I were you. Get some rest! :)

  2. Well, from one who can't have any more natural babies, I wish I felt your pain...a little anyway! Smooches sweet Kendra! Hope all continues to go well. I remember saying this when I was expecting and I put a lot of pressure on myself to do more, "Hello...making a person here...it's not as easy as I make it look." Prayers and hugs!!

  3. I feel for you I'm in my third trimester too, going on 33 weeks and I have never been so exhausted in my life and I feel like there is still alot to get ready for this little one. But hey we are almost there and its totally worth it. Love your things you have been working on. GOOD LUCK!

  4. Hang in there Kendra! I remember how hard it was. Rest up and take care of that little one!


  5. Awwww, thanks...that was sweet of you!

    And hang in there!! Ick, that last part is no fun. Rest up, because in a little bit, sleep will be a thing of the past, right?!

  6. Love your mantel...now you just rest!

    m ^..^

  7. Your mantel is adorable. Don't worry about blogging! REST. You deserve it.

  8. This is my first visit to your sweet blog via Kimbas Soft Place to Land. I think all of our homes are a work in progress! Your mantel looks great! Just think, soon it will be covered with portraits of a beautiful baby!

