Monday, March 15, 2010

Imperfectly Perfect Pirate Party--Vote for me!

I've got a bit of blogging to catch up on so check back for more posts today (and/or tomorrow). But I wanted to let you know right away about the Imperfect Party Challenge, going on over at The City Cradle blog. My son's Pirate party is the first of the 6 party finalists to be announced. The winner will receive a gift certificate to Anthropologie (Can't imagine what I would ever do with that! *read serious sarcasm here* :-)).

The voting will be determined by which party posts receives the most comments. Comments close 48 hrs. after the post goes up, so you only have 2 days to vote for me.

So please go vote for me, here.
And for my original pirate party posts, you can read all of the details, here.


  1. I voted! Super cute! I hope you win!

    Kim @
    party inspiration

  2. Your party was incredible! I would love to use your ideas for a future party for my boys. Those eggs were adorable and you captured many good photos. This is the best pirate themed party I've ever seen! :)
