Friday, June 18, 2010

My Pop Rocks!!!

Does yours?  Then tell him with a poppin' gift basket!
This is my final Father's Day idea post this year, but you still have time to throw this one together, if you hurry.

Remember our "She's About to Pop" baby shower?  We were amazed at the number of things you can find that use the word "pop."  The other day it hit me that some people call their dads "Pop," as in "Hop on Pop" by Dr. Suess.   And then all the possibilities started coming to me, so I put together this gift basket:

I wanted to find a "pop-up" hamper or basket to put it all in.  This basket came from Cost Plus World Market a while back, and is close enough.  The centerpiece of the basket should be the Pop Rocks, since that is the theme!  I have attached my printable file for you below.  You can't see it all that well, but I used popcorn as the filler for the basket.  If you can use air popped popcorn without the butter that would probably work the best (not that that's what I did).  
Any soda "pop" would work, but I think a lot of dad's like root beer, and there is a root beer that is actually called "Dad's Root Beer,"  So I designed a label (again you can download it below) that mimics the design of the Dad's brand label, but instead says, "Pop's" in keeping with the theme.  Then I just attached it to the bottles I had purchased (any brand will work.).

I then filled the basket with other "pop" themed goodies including:
* Tootsie Pops
* Microwave Popcorn pouches
* A Pop Rocks Science experiment kit 
* Pop-its (fireworks)
I didn't do it, but it would be cute to attach a label to that one that says "My pop is Dynamite!"

For other "pop" ideas (like pop-tarts, and popsicles), check out the baby shower.  You could adapt anything.
And really, what dad doesn't like root beer, popcorn and some fun reminiscent of his childhood years?  Aren't most grown men just little boys in big bodies?

(You may have to adjust the size a bit depending on your bottles and candy.)
I'd love to hear from you if you use any of these ideas!  You can upload photos on the Facebook page, or shoot me an email.

Still don't know what to do for Father's Day?  I found tons of gift ideas for dad, here:
Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up  party!


  1. Awesome idea! I tried to download the link and it wasn't working. Is it me?

  2. Sorry about that, Steph! I don't know what was going on. You should be able to get them now!

    Thanks for the heads up!

  3. What a great idea! I would love to receive a gift basket like this!...Well, if I was a dad =)

  4. all super cute! I was looking forward to meeting and talking w/ you at Tour de Thrift- but I mostly just saw you and your darling baby from a distance :)
    Hope you got some great finds ;)
    Sharla @ My Little Gems

  5. Thank you for the inspiration and idea! I threw this together this afternoon for my husband! =)

  6. Super fun idea. Wish I had found you sooner.

  7. Thank you so much for this awesome idea! I know father's day was a few weeks ago, but I'm posting about it on my blog now, and I just remembered I hadn't thanked you! My hubby loved it! (as did my 3-year-old!) It was super last minute for me, and I was so bummed I couldn't find pop-rocks! O-well, now I have some awesome ideas for next year! Thanks again!
