Thursday, July 8, 2010

Summer Giveaway--Say It on the Wall

"Mom, I'm bored!  What can I do?"  How many times have you heard that this summer?  Laura from Say It on the Wall, one of my sponsors, has the answer for you!

Her "I'm Bored Dice" will banish boredom! One die contains tasks (such as creating a work of art, making puppets and putting on a puppet show, putting together a puzzle, etc.) and the other die contains some action they must perform (such as doing jumping jacks, building a fort, running up and down the stairs, etc.) All materials for the tasks are kept in the "I'm Bored Box" for easy access! (Such as games, paper, crayons, puzzles, playdough, etc.)   Can also be customized for "Sunday Appropriate Activities."

This giveaway will include the vinyl for 2 dice, the blocks for the dice, the label for the box AND the tote.  (The kit on the website does not include the tote.)  The winner can customize the tasks and actions, fonts, and vinyl colors.  I will then mail it to them for them to assemble.  A $30 value!!!

To enter, leave a comment telling me how bored your kids (grandkids, nieces/nephews, neighborhood kids-whoever) have been this summer, and how this kit would solve all of your problems. ;-)

BONUS ENTRIES:  For extra entries you can do one or both of the following:
Become an affiliate of Say It On the Wall (It's a chance to earn money for purchases you refer)
Become a fan of Say It On the Wall on Facebook.

Then leave a comment telling me which one you did (separate comments for each--up to three total for this giveaway).


  1. After a full day of camp that I run my boys come home and 10 mins later say how borad they are!! I just spent the whole day with them and know what they did how can the be borad after 10 min!!!! I need that box!!

  2. after our morning walk, grocery shopping and lunch...the kids expect me to entertain them :) This kit would help ALL of us have fun!!

  3. I would love to have this as I'm a new Mom. Frankly, I'm horrid at coming up with ideas and think this will help keep my little one entertained.

  4. I can't tell you the number of times we've spent weekend mornings doing fun activities, running errands, followed up by lunch and a craft...(so I can try to be a dedicated/good mom) ...and then 5 minutes after I start delving into housework... "Mommy, I'm boooorred... can you play with me!" HELP!!! My housekeeping skills are limited at best!!! This kit would be a lifesaver!

  5. I just became an affiliate too! Check out my fancy new "Say It ON The Wall" button!

  6. Well, my daughter is only 4, so it's still pretty easy to keep her entertained! But I would love this kit for when older nieces and nephews come over!

  7. Right now my kids are running through the house driving me nuts! I need this!

  8. Right now my kids are running through the house driving me nuts! I need this!

  9. With 4 other siblings to play with, my kids should never be bored. They play great together most days but it would be great to have something with "no batteries included!" Thsi is a super cute idea for to beat those boredom/rainy/its too hot to play outside days!

  10. My kids like options, this woudl give them that. I feel like I need to wear a clown suit and jump around to make them happy sometimes... lol

  11. My kids like options, this woudl give them that. I feel like I need to wear a clown suit and jump around to make them happy sometimes... lol

  12. You'd think with everything else going on, the kids wouldn't be bored. but with having to tone things down a bit with Jason home they are bored all the time!

  13. This would be great. The TV has been on a little more than planned this summer.

  14. This would be great for a rainy day!

    kristen_yeh (at) yahoo (dot) com

  15. My kids are so bored they can't even entertain each other! Help!

  16. this would be great! my guy spends 15 min on the trampoline, 30 min in the pool, and then it starts "i'm bored"... all day long.. this would totally help!

  17. we have a special basket that I only break out in desperate times when boredom had truly taken over! But it is nowhere near as cute as this- I want it!! hee hee

    amberalyse @

  18. My kiddo's get bored way too fast and this would be tons of fun for them (for me too!)

  19. not only will this be great for my baby when she is a little older but perfect for my husband's younger siblings. I hate babysitting them because they always get bored at my house.
