Monday, October 18, 2010

Costume Parade Parade -- Clever kids' costumes

It's time to Parade some of my favorite costumes from the Costume Parade Party!  They were really all fantastic, so you should go back there and visit them all, but in the meantime, I wanted to show you some of the ideas that caught my eye.  Since there were so many great ideas, I'm breaking this into two posts.  First, I am showing you some of the great, clever, and amazingly, homemade costumes for kids (grown-ups could do some of these, too).  I'll be back a little later with some great family costume ideas--one of which I may steal for my family this year, if I can convince certain family members that they don't need to wear a cheap Bumblebee Transformer costume from Walmart....Ahem.  It wouldn't be nearly as cool as any of these ideas:

There were several families dressed as Star Wars, and I predict that there will be for a really long time.  I keep thinking we will do it at some point, but there aren't very many girls in Star Wars.  If you have some young Jedi's in your house, you have to see how cute this r2d2 costume is!  That is a mixing bowl attached to his bike helmet for the top.  You'll have to go to the Yellow Pear blog for the rest of the details

And while we are on the subject of Star Wars, check out Princess Leia's hair!  I think it is made out of yarn.  Great idea!

I love this cute Lego costume by Following Phubie!  Unique and who doesn't love Legos?

How about dressing up as a shiny green beetle?  Not the most requested costume, I bet, but very cool!  Take a look at the front of the costume here, and see what the rest of the family wore to make it a family theme.

This Day and Night costume works best with a sister or friend, but I love the simple creativity that went into these.  Day wears a sun mask and a sky patterned cape over her flower garden dress.  Night wears all black with stars attached and a moon mask.  I bet you could put something like this together last minute!
If you are looking for adorable you might try this cupcake costume (above) from Dukes & Duchesses or this sweet clown (below).  There are other sweet clowns in this family.  You'll have to check them out @ At Second Street!

Thanks for linking up, everyone!

 So have you figured out your costumes, yet?  If not, don't stress.  I'll be back in a bit with family and couple costume inspiration!

1 comment:

  1. i will just say, that i really love this great thinking and ideas, i love it! keep it up!
