Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Silhouette Tattoo Paper

It's almost time to wrap up the Silhouette giveaway.  But before I do, I wanted to show you what I learned about the tattoo paper they sent me.  I'm trying to get ready for an invasion of 3 year old fairies and gnomes this week.  I decided to try some tattoos to add to the face painting portion of the party.
This stuff is really fun, and works well, even if you don't have a cutter.  I was impressed with how bright and clear the images printed on the paper (even on my old inkjet that is a little low on ink).  You have to follow the directions carefully, but once you figure it out, it is pretty easy to do.  I tried the little butterfly on my daughter.
(Do you love her hair do?  She insisted upon it.)

And here with a little extra face paint:

The designs are modifications of designs by Lisa Warren (previously at Little Dreamer Designs).

Isn't it fun?  Now go back to this post and enter my giveaway!  Hurry!

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