Friday, November 27, 2009

Are You Ready for December?

I hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving. I am happy to report that our turkey and gravy both turned out well, although by the time we cooked them, I had read so many different techniques on-line that my brain was spinning, and I had my doubts. Everyone has a different method! Luckily ours worked, and made it to its destination, mostly on time, and still hot and ready to eat. (Maybe we'll talk turkey more next year!)
But I know most of us, have moved well past the bird, into the Christmas frenzy. We are not the kind of people that enjoy the Black Friday mayhem, but my husband was kind enough to brave it for me this morning, to get the keyboards I need for the music classes I teach. Thanks, hon!

And while we aren't traveling this year for Christmas, so I am trying not to be too panicky about what all there is to do in the upcoming month, I am realizing that there are some projects that need to be done, sooner than later if they are going to happen. Here's one of them!

Dec. 1 is on Tuesday (I know because it is my birthday.) I'm intending to actually start my advent calendar that night (instead of a week or so late). If you are going to make and advent calendar, you probably want to do it this weekend. I've seen some fun ideas floating around the web for calendars, but I still really like the one my husband and I put together a couple of years ago. You can read how we did it here.

Of course, it took until the following year, for me to figure out what all to put inside it. You can find that here, and use it in any advent calendar, if you like. It is a combination of scriptures with some thought questions, songs to sing, or small gifts to give on different days. My goal with this is to help keep our Christmas centered on the birth of Christ, and help them feel how exciting and special that part of Christmas is.

In other news, we are making good progress on decorating the house, and I just might be ready to show it to you in a week or so! Wish me luck (and stamina)! Happy Black Friday, everyone!

Don't forget to enter my three Gratitude Giveaways, now through Monday night!
And if you enjoyed this post, please consider donating to my Big-Hearted Holiday project, to help two families who lost parents this fall.



  1. So where'd you get the keyboards, and why didn't you tell me about them?!?!?! : )

  2. Hey Kam! They were at Target for $50/ea on Black Friday. I thought LPM sent out an email to everyone about them. Sorry! Now what to do with the 5 giant boxes in my living room!?!

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope it is a wonderful day for you.

  4. Hard to believe it's December!!

    Happy blogoversary :)
