Wednesday, November 25, 2009

HappyThanksgiving! Last Minute Tips, and Gratitude Giveaway #3

So are you stressing yet? I was going to be hosting this year, but I was given a reprieve from my hosting duties, since I haven't recovered from my first trimester yet (even though I am well into my 2nd one, *sigh*). Even so, I still have some experiments to conduct on a 21 lb. bird we are bringing to the feast tomorrow, so I'd better make this quick...
If you are one that focused on menu and forgot about the table setting until now (I'm the opposite, usually), you are in luck, The ladies at Paper & Cake, have got you covered. They are showing their gratitude with a free download of printable menus, placecards, etc--most everything you might need to spruce up your table.

Or if you want to go a different route, I've assembled a few of my ideas from previous posts, that you may be able to pull off, with out a trip to the store.

You can use scrapbook paper as placemats (The Hostess does this all the time, and it always looks cool for her.) Fun and funky, if that is your style, or use an elegant color with a sophisticated pattern.
These place cards are deceptively simple to make, if you have some basic scrapbooking supplies on hand. Again, you can change up the tone, but using deeper colors and swirly stems, if you like.
We don't have these in AZ, but if you are in a place with some autumn leaves, go collect them. If you have a paint pen, you can carefully write names, right on the leaves. While you are leave hunting, you might collect branches or pinecones, or anything else seasonal to make a festive centerpiece. Easy and Free!

And now for our final GRATITUDE GIVEAWAY, I bring you Noteable Journals.

I think you have heard me talk about one of my bffs, Kameron, a few times on this blog. She is one of the only people I know that I really think is more insane than I am, although she always seems less flustered and more on the ball. How does she do it all? I don't know.

Anyway, a while back, she went searching for an age-appropriate journal for her daughter, and couldn't find anything she liked, so she decided to create her own children's journals. She and her mom have written, designed, produced, etc. these cute, customizable children's journals, themselves. They are designed to give kids easy to answer prompts, that make journaling accessible and fun, especially for those just getting started. I think lots of kids have no idea what to write about. They would make great Christmas gifts (or Hanukkah!).
On their website, you can build your own journal, selecting your favorite scrapbook-type cover (like these shown, but lots more to choose from), and which version of the journal you would like (standard, LDS, or Hanukkah editions currently available). And just because she loves me, Kameron is helping me say "thank you" this holiday by giving away journals to TWO of my readers.

Here's what you do to enter:
-Leave me a comment on this post telling me if you kept a journal when you were a kid, and anything else about that you want to share (like who was your 7th grade crush--no you don't have to, unless you really want to).

Additional entries:
-Go to Notable Journals, and pick your favorite cover. Come back and leave me a comment telling me which cover, and which edition you would choose if you win.
-Tell people about this giveaway (blog, facebook, twitter, or email it), and come back and tell me who you told and how.
-Follow my blog.
-Follow me on Facebook and/or Twitter.
-Enter my New Moon, or Black Diamond giveaways. Leave a comment telling me which you entered.

For two extra entries: Kameron and I are working together on my Big-Hearted Holidays project. Spread the word about the families we are trying to help on FB, Twitter, email, or blog, and come back and let me know what you've done. I've had a few generous donations, but would really love to have more participate, so we can really help these families feel loved this holiday season. I appreciate whatever support you can give.

Please make sure your email is in your comment or in your profile so I can contact you if you win. All of my Gratitude Giveaways will end Monday, Nov. 30 (11:59pm). Winners will be announced the following day.

May your hearts be filled with gratitude (and your bellies, with yummy food)!


  1. I kept a journal/diary starting when I turned 8... and then my big sister read it and used it against me so I stopped writing. Blogging brought be back to journaling!

  2. Amanda was gaga for Notable Journals J and K. And I'm gaga over how much she loves to write. Pick me...err, Amanda!

  3. i kept a journal in middle school...and then I stopped. Why? I think I should start one again :)

  4. i became a facebook your ideas!

  5. i would love to give this as a gift to my niece...I think she would like cover T.

  6. i entered the black diamond giveaway :)

  7. I kept way too detailed a journal in Jr. High. It makes me crack up and cringe to read it, but I can't imagine anyone ever wanting to wade through that much minutia to learn about my life at that time.

  8. I'd probably pick cover D in the LDS edition for one of my boys.

  9. I entered the Black Diamond giveaway.

  10. I have kept a fairly regular journal since I was about 10. I have been looking for a journal for my young daughters and this looks perfect! I love that there is an LDS version- Awesome!

  11. I follow your blog through google reader.

  12. My girls love the cover M and we would want the LDS version, should we win this very functional and fun give-a-way!

  13. I entered the Black Diamond give-a-away.

  14. I didn't start keeping a journal until we started them in grade 10, the entries are hilarious to go back and read now! I started my daughter keeping one at 3, mostly scribbles, pictures and momentos but she loves it! I just started my 2 year old with her journal. We've started with "what colour was your day?" I think my 6year old weould be thrilled with cover "I". Linked your give away to my blog too!

  15. Whoops, my email is
