Monday, November 23, 2009

Black Diamond Floor Cleaning System-Gratitude Giveaway #2

Giveaways NEW_WOWKit-thm

Believe it or not, after I posted about this table,


I received a comment (I like those, by the way), from a reader who wanted to know how I kept my floors so clean.  I never really answered her, because the the truthful answer I wanted to give was…careful photo editing!  In fact, since this post, pregnancy woes began, and things have gotten dirtier and dirtier.  I’m wondering if the people at Black Diamond have been spying on me, and know this, because they approached me about trying out their new floor cleaning system.  When they said they had some to share with my readers, I said “great”!  We are probably all stressing a little bit about the condition of our homes during the holidays and want to be able to have things ready for company.  (Except I still need help with my clutter, bathrooms, and laundry.  Anyone???)



This is what my floor usually looks like…yikes!





20091117_1186 This floor systems is ideally designed for wood and laminate floors.  I told the Black Diamond folks, that I only have tile, so they were kind enough to include some grout cleaner, and some granite cleaner, for my massive kitchen island.  Both of which work nicely.  All of the products are supposed to be “safe” (alcohol and ammonia free) which is great, since I have so many young “helpers.”  I also like that most of the products don’t have to be rinsed off.  That is a huge time saver!  If you want to see the floor system in action, you can watch a funny video, here

I did try the cleaner out on my tile floors (even though it is designed for wood and laminate).  I’m guessing that it might not be the best for the grout, but I used it to spot clean my tile, and it worked really well!  (Side note for the friendly reader who thinks I have clean floors:  The one thing we have tried to do, is be careful about using a lot of regular cleaners in the grout, they seem to attract dirt.  We often just mop with water, or vinegar….that is when we actually mop).  It was great for those crusty spots that mysteriously appear around my daughter’s high chair, that don’t usually come off with out some elbow grease.

The mop/broom device, is really smooth and easy to use.  I like using it as a dry mop, too.  It gets all the dust and stuff that you don’t always get with a broom (then I just get the broom and dustpan to sweep up the pile at the end).  The pads are removable and machine washable.  A few years ago, everyone was excited about the disposable pads in cleaning systems, but not only do these work better, and are better for the environment, I love that I don’t have to keep investing in more product.  That held me back when I tried other swiffer-type systems.  This also glides much more smoothly than those did.

20091117_1189 If I have one complaint, it is with the packaging.  It’s clamshell case comes with what looked to be a brilliant idea…only it didn’t work.  It has perforation, where you are supposed to be able to tear the plastic open.  Only mine wouldn’t tear at the perforation.  Just everywhere else (I think I eventually had to wait for my husband and his knife).  And don’t ignore the warning about sharp edges when opened.  My fingers can attest to that.

So, once you get in the package, I’m sure you are going to love your WOW!  Wood floor cleaning system from Black Diamond!  And, not one, but TWO of you are going to get your very own to try out for FREE!  If you don’t want to wait for our giveaway to end, you can find a Wal-Mart near you that carries these products.  Don’t forget to download the $2 off coupon here.

So here are the details of the giveaway:

This giveaway is open to anyone in the US.  I’m giving you lots of chances to enter.  Please leave a separate comment for each entry and make sure your email is in your profile or in your comment.  Thanks!

1st entry-Tell me what housework you need the most help with through this holiday season.

Additional entries--

That means you can enter to win up to 6 times, and remember, 2 winners will be chosen!  Because of the craziness of this holiday week, I am going to let all of the Gratitude Giveaways run until midnight, on Monday Nov. 30.  Then on my b-day (Dec. 1), I will announce all of the winners.

Don’t forget about the other giveaways, and remember my Big-Hearted Holiday Project.  I still need lots of donations, if I am going to be able to do much for these families this Christmas.  Thanks for your support!


  1. I need the most help with cleaning it all...I am about to have knee surgery and will be out of commision for awhile. LOL! Hopefully the hubby can handle it while working, going to college and taking care of me!

    I am also a your blog!

  2. Fun giveaway! I am a follower. And I can use any cleaning help I can get - lol!


  3. I need a lot of help on my housework...

  4. Follow on twitter

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    Angie Clark

  6. follow Black Diamond on Twitter

  7. Fan of Black Diamond on Facebook
    Angie Clark

  8. I have to sweep my floor 3-6 times a day, and I mop about every 2-3 days. THAT is INSANE! I would love to try something new! The most help I need during this holiday season? Keeping up with all the dishes whilst baking and cooking and chasing after little ones!

  9. I'm following you! (but not in a stalker kind of way :} )

  10. And I need all sorts of help for the holidays. Floors are probably at the top of the list!

  11. I'm a follower - or maybe a stalker?! :) - on your blog, facebook, AND twitter already!

  12. Trying to sell our house, so yeah, the house cleaning is constant and not my natural love in life. But the most not fun part is definitely attempting to keeping the floors clean.

  13. Right now, my focus is on purging and organizing. . . and it's going REALLY slowly.

  14. Ironically enough, I need the most help with my floors--which happen to be wood. I really HATE doing the floors.

  15. Just became a fan of Black Diamond on Facebook.

  16. I need the most help with is a never ending task!

  17. I follow- I want my laundry put away. I love to wash it but never get around to putting it away :)

  18. i would love to have someone come and do my laundry!

  19. Hey! I need help with not getting so overwhelmed and just get started. The whole house has fallen behind! Yuck! That is after I started back to work after being home for 8 years!

  20. I've decided to do some painting before a big holiday party - I must be insane! I need help finishing my kitchen cabinets!

  21. I follow BlackDiamonCleaners on Facebook!

  22. I'm a follower. Having always lived with carpet in the entire house, I'm having a hard time finding cleaning solutions for my hardwood and tile floors. Nothing seems to satisfy me. Maybe this is what I needed. Winning it would be cool - I won't feel as though I'm wasting my money buying yet another floor cleaning product.

    Thanks for such a great giveaway!


  23. laundry - it seems i can never get a hang on this chore!

  24. officially became a follower!

  25. I am now following on facebook!

  26. became a fan of black diamond on facebook

  27. bathrooms...mine are always dirty!

  28. i became a fan of Black Diamond on Facebook

  29. i became a fan of yours on facebook

  30. I would have to say....Mopping my floors are my biggest obstacle...after all the cleaning is done...the last thing I want to do is get out a bucket of soapy water and mop the floors and keep my kids off of it.

  31. I really hate mopping so this is the perfect giveaway for me!

  32. Marla Staffanson - - kitchen floor is the worst for sure!

  33. Marla Staffanson - facebook fan (
