Sunday, January 10, 2010

Announcing the 2nd Annual Blogoversary PARTY Party--Friday!

My blog will be turning 2 years old, on Friday! Can you believe it? Last year, to celebrate, we had a rocking Party Party! It was so much fun that I'd like to make it a tradition.

What is a party party? It is a linky party, where everyone can come and link up their favorite party post (or two) from the year. I will select my favorite finalists, and let you vote on which party is your favorite. This year, the fabulous ladies at Paper & Cake have agreed to give the winner a $30 Gift Certificate to their on-line store, where you can find stylish downloadables for just about every kind of party! So not only do you stand to win blog fame and adoration, but also a really cool prize that should get your through your next few parties.
I hope you will all join me here on Friday (I will try and get Mr. Linky, or one of his competitors, Thursday night, before I go to bed). It is a great way to get some inspiration for the parties you are planning this year. Check out some of the fun we had last year!

I'd love it if you rsvp, by posting this button (but even if you don't, come to the party anyway).


  1. Sounds like fun! I have a great party to post! :)

  2. tell me how to do this?!?!? I have a couple to add! :)

  3. Alayna--How many parties did you throw this year? How about 2 or 3?

    Lilhens--Come back Friday (or Thurs. pm, if I'm on the ball), and I will have a Mr. Linky and instructions on linking your parties.

    Thanks for partying with me!

  4. I've been planning on posting and now I've got your button up on my sidebar for the party.

  5. I've gotten your button up on my blog. Can't wait. It was so fun last year.

