Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Possible Party Plans

If you are feeling like me, this year, you might not be ready to throw another shindig, and are enjoying some empty spaces on the calendar for recovery, and serious home rescue efforts.

On the other hand, I know some of you party animals never want the holidays to end. That's ok! There are plenty of upcoming reasons to throw a bash.

I think I heard the Cardinals won their last game, but other than that, don't ask me anything about football, right now, except how to throw a football bash. I've blogged quite a bit about football, for someone who isn't a huge fanatic.

I also know we are into awards season. Emmy's, Grammy's, Golden Globe's, Oscars, Razzies--whatever you are excited about. It's a great excuse to break out the glitz and glam for a night. I gathered some of my favorite award party ideas here. It would make a great birthday party theme for at teen/tween girl. Check out my post here. (Photo from Setting the Mood)
And if that isn't enough, you can celebrate Chinese New Year, Mardi Gras, Presidents Day (what else am I forgetting?). I'll do my Valentine's post round-up soon (or you can click on Valentine's in the side bar for past ideas), and share what we are thinking for school Valentine's this year. What party are you gearing up for now?

Speaking of parties, don't forget to come back Friday for my party party!


  1. I love your list of party ideas! I love having an excuse to get people together! Thanks!

  2. I skipped most of the holiday parties but going on vaca, so I am ready to host a few! thanks for the suggestions!


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