Monday, June 7, 2010


Update (6/8/2010):  I'm really appreciating the feedback! I have inserted a screenshot below of what the blog should look like if you have the right monitor and wait for the background to load.  

Along with my house, my blog has been in need of some major organizing and cleaning-up for a long time!  I am so excited to present to you MY new-and-improved INSANITY!  Come and take a look around!  Hopefully, now there will be a little more "method to my madness."  (Brownie points for whoever can tell me who I am quoting!)  Of course, it's not totally finished (is anything ever)--I especially need to enter the links to many of the fabulous blogs that inspire me--and I will keep making minor adjustments, as my baby will allow.  I have written up the story that started it all, in the "ABOUT ME" section, have easy links to my FB, Twitter, RSS, and email on the top of the sidebar, and am opening up some new advertising spots in the most prime real estate of the blog!  Click on the menu tab that says "ADVERTISING," to see the INSANE deal I am offering for the month of June.

I know you will all want to know, so I will tell you:  I found another creative Kendra to help me with my serious makeover.  Kendra @ Key Lime Blog Design, is responsible for all of the wonderful changes here.  I had a fairly specific idea of what I wanted and a lot of graphics that I had already created (I wanted to stay true to the intial design of the blog--just make it look tons better), and she was great to work with me that way!  Check out her site for freebies, ready-made designs, and custom designs.  Her prices are really reasonable!  Thanks so much, Kendra!  (That feels weird to write--kind of like I'm thanking myself!  :-))  I can breathe when I look at my blog now, and I may or may not, have kept looking at it over and over the first few days after it was installed.  What can I say?  It's so much fun!

So let me know what you think?  You like the new digs?  What I'd really love to know is how many of you can see the cool graph paper background.  I have an old-school small monitor, so on my machine, the whole thing looks white.  Larger monitors should show a more interesting background.  What does it look like on your computer?

By the way, I've changed up my button a little.  Feel free to grab an updated one over on the sidebar!

Thanks for reading and feeding my insanity!


  1. The background is all white for me, Kendra. And I have a GINORMOUS monitor. :) Looks great otherwise!!

  2. I love it! Clean, simple, but good looking!

  3. I was absolutely amazed at how fast the site loaded. SOmetimes before I would skip over your blog in my reader, because your site would load so slowly! But it's fast now and looks amazing! I won't skip over it anymore. (All white background here on my large screen).

  4. It looks so great Kendra!!! I love it. I am in serious need of a makeover at my place too!

    Love it!


  5. It's looking good! Glad to hear there are some more awesome Kendra's out there (I'm a Kendra too, don't you love your name?)

  6. I have a good size monitor, what I see on mine is white with very light yellow and a bit of graph paper edges.

  7. Looks really great! But mine is white too. I love how your signature line looks though, and the buttons on the top!! So cute!
