Friday, July 16, 2010

Architecture as Art

In my last post I spoke of this mysterious project I way trying to get done in time for the CSI challenge.  This is not that project.

I worked late into the night and in the morning, and was just about to publish a quick post with the before and after, when I looked at the clock and saw that we were late for swimming lessons.  By the time we got back it was too late for CSI, and since I don't have the time or brain power for a lengthy post right now, I'm going to save that one for next week and show you this great idea my sister did in her home.  I have loved the idea since she did it a few years ago, and while I was visiting this month, snapped a few pictures to share with you all.

Do you ever take the time to notice the beautiful or charming architectural details in the area in which you live?  Some places are loaded with charm, and in others (like Phoenix) you might have to hunt a little harder.

Trina decorated her hallway with photos she took around her town (Anyone recognize the landmarks and want to guess where she lives?).  She doesn't have a fancy camera or editing software.  There are lots of programs (on-line ones, too, like picnic), that will change an image to black and white.  She had her photos printed, and mounted them on textured paper in matching frames (which, if I know my sister, were inexpensive or on a great sale!).

I keep thinking it would be fun to spend a day in downtown Phoenix, riding the light rail (which I have yet to do), and hunting for cool buildings and details, to create a similar display in my home.

What do you think?  Could you find the charm in your area to display in your home?

Linking it up:
The Shabby Nest's Frugal Friday

Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up     party!


  1. im doing something similar... but i guess pretty different in my home. :) my husband and i love to travel and take lots of pictures along the way. i decided to spice my pictures up a bit by changing the contrast in them.

    here is the link to what i did.

    i love your blog!

  2. What a great idea! It's amazing the things you see through the camera lens but never notice otherwise. Visiting from T&J

  3. I love this! And plant on turning all my recent travels into art in this very interesting way.

  4. This is a great idea! I can see creativity runs in your family. What a fabulous way to add a personal touch to your home and get unique wall art for a bargain.

  5. Love this! I enjoy looking at architecture when I'm out and about so why not bring it into the home too? Looks very elegant in black and white with the beautiful framing.

  6. Let's make it a girls' day out and do it together! What a great idea :) I love the pictures above my couch downstairs but have been wanting to change it up in the last few months...this would be perfect!
