Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Makeover Magic

So we made it back from vacation and jumped right into a crazy week, filled with swimming lessons for 3/4 of my offspring, a husband who is MIA (that's probably not a good description when he is out bringing home the bacon), preparations for back to school and back to teaching music classes, and lots of other stuff that is making my head spin.  I've got stuff to show you from my trip and big projects in the works (there was a package waiting for me from CSN, and Dutch Boy is ready to send me my excited!), and another linky party to announce.

But somehow the girls at the CSI Project, know that I am almost powerless to resist a good challenge, so I am blogging tonight to show you some of the previously posted makeovers that I'm linking up to their tag sale challenge, and I'm staying up way too late trying to finish a new project that I am excited enough about that I braved Walmart with all four children in tow, in search of more hot glue gun sticks so that I could finish it in time to link up.  Yes, there is a reason this blog is called, "My Insanity."

Here are some of my biggest makeovers from the past.

My mom did most of the work on this reupholstery job.  I had to make decision and did the I get a little credit, right?

My first experiment combining stained wood and paint.  Look for a similar project soon!

Funky green is fun, but not when it is old, smelly and scratchy.  Again, my parents were instrumental in making over these chairs.  I like them even better now that we made pillows that go in each chair and finished adding the nail head trim around.  Remind me to take a current (read: better) picture sometime!

I snagged this piece from my in-laws' garage before it made the trip to the thrift store drop-off.  It's been a year or two, and is already taking a beating from the kids.  I have a fun plan to spruce it up a bit, soon.

I'm off to see how fast my glue gun and I can do some making over, and hope to be back very shortly with a unique transformation to share!
(To see all of my makeover projects click here)


  1. Love makeovers! I have been trying to find something much like yours for a "Kid zone" that woudld flow in our living room.

  2. I particularly love that red desk! CUTE!

  3. Oh my gosh - those are some GREAT makeovers! I love the two toned side table - they all turned out great!!

  4. I'm working on a project right now in the same vein as your little two-toned table as well! I'm SO excited about it.

    I'm powerless to resist the CSI challenges too. :) Maybe if I keep entering, I'll win one of these days. ;)

    Good luck on the crafting!

  5. Those are all beautiful! And that couch transformation is AMAZING!!!

  6. Have you posted picts of your laundry room? A while back I remember something about the fun going on in there. Or am I just making this up? I'm ready to do my laundry room and want to see how yours turned out.

  7. The kids' creativity zone is so amazing! I want one!

  8. All great makeovers Kendra! I wish I know how to reupholster, I probably could figure it out but have yet to find an inexpensive "find" to practice on. The kid's table is what really caught my eye. I love the book shelf and design of it. Looks great in it's new form and I bet it gets a lot of use.

  9. Just found your blog! That kids zone is perfect. I'd love to find a desk like that.

    I have been trying to re-upholster a chair I bought at Savers ::cough.a.month.ago.cough::, but how do other Phoenicians stand to spray paint in 115 degree weather! Let alone the winds from the monsoons! lol

    I'm off to read the rest of your blog, or as far as I can get!
