Friday, August 13, 2010

Funny Friday--Amazing birthday cakes!

What I am about to show you is HILARIOUS and amazing!  But when you know the back story, it is also incredibly sweet.

Some of you may remember when I wrote about my my friend, Ashleigh, who died of cancer last year, leaving behind a husband and four small children.  For each of her children's birthdays, Ashleigh would make and decorate a beautiful cake.  In her absence, her husband, Jeff, has determined to keep the birthday cake tradition alive.  Only Jeff isn't a cake decorator, he is an engineer!  And the cakes he has engineered will blow your mind:

(There is a bit of a wait on this one, but watch to the end!)

I honestly want a tutorial for this one:

I thought I was so clever when I made an erupting volcano cake once upon a time, but mine was really boring next to this one!  Maybe I'll see if he will do a guest post sometime, unless he wants to keep it all top secret.  In the meantime, I am just so impressed at his efforts to make special memories for his kids despite the overwhelming burden it must be to parent them alone.  Keep it up, Jeff!

And just for fun, since I am doing a "funny Friday," and I think she is hilarious.  This is my 2 1/2 yr. old singing "God Bless the USA."  For the record, she picked this up because I was practicing it for a performance.  She had no coaching on the song or her performance style, except for a little help with the last line because she was forgetting it...


  1. Oh I am so sorry about your friend-that brought tears to my eyes. What an awesome dad, though! SUPER cool cakes-LOVE that volcano!!

  2. Ok these videos were great! That is one great dad! And your daughter is adorable!!! :o)

  3. What a sad story but what a special Dad. Those cakes and little videos-amazing! Your daughter is so cute! When she is older, you will look back and find this adorable and funny and nostalgic all at once. My 16 year old sang a kindergarten song about the alphabet which included the line "z is for zipper so your pants won't fall down" and he made the cutest face and sounded so little. I could watch that ten times a day!

  4. Amazing cakes! I love that this widowed daddy has tried so hard to make birthdays special in his wife's memory. I would love to see some of the cakes she had made.

  5. I am over from the CSI project because I love the pretzel log cabin! Let me say first, that this is the sweetest keeping this tradition going...his children will remember his effort for the rest of their lives. Thank you for sharing! Okay, we love the cabin and think we will attempt this for our gingerbread house at Christmas. Check out my 'stone log cabin' that my son and I did for Christmas. I have just started posting an idea here and there for Christmas. My son loves to build so the pretzels will be perfect for him! I love to make the gingerbread houses, but to think outside the box! Your cabin is awesome! Tell your daughter, 'great job!!' A+++

  6. Good for Jeff! I'm super impressed.

    And Tessa... too funny. I won't say anything about the apple not falling far from the tree, though. Ha! Ü
