Monday, October 4, 2010

Costume Parade--Linky Party

Kids are home for fall break, so we pulled out the costumes to try and figure out what we are going to be this year.  Please share your posts of costumes past in the linky party at the end of this post, so we can get some more ideas.  Here are the last several years of our costume insanity.

Our Family Costume Parade:

This may be the one that started it all! For some reason, my daughter decided she had to be a lamb for Halloween one year. My mother obliged by making her a costume, and before long, my ideas for a family grouping were realized. I am Little Bo Peep. Kira is the Little Lamb and Barry is The Big Bad Wolf.

Kira wanted to be Snow White the following year. My son was less than two months old, so we made him one of the dwarfs. (In this picture he is definitely Sleepy, but he took turns being Grumpy and most of the other dwarfs, throughout the night). We tacked the beard to the shirt, which worked perfectly since his chin was always down. I am the wicked queen, and my husband is the woodsman.

Then Kira wanted to be Cinderella (why does she always get to choose?) I found this cute pumpkin costume for my son, and I was the fairy Godmother. (Barry was out of town, so off the hook, this year).

(2006-- No family theme.  Trenton was a firefighter, and Kira was a princess from India.)

2007 was complicated by the arrival of my Tessa. We ended up with two mini-groupings. My son was an astronaut and my daughter a sassy alien. (It’s about time he got to choose, huh!) I was still in the hospital when they went to the party at church (BIG thanks to my sister for getting them ready!)

2007 (pt. 2)
Tessa and I went to Gourmet Group about a week after she was born, and she had to wear the costume I made for her while I was awaiting her arrival. I went as a gardener and she was my prized peony. Her costume was pretty easy to make. I knitted the hat (easy on a round loom) out of green fuzzy yarn. We bought a onesie and tights and dyed them green, and I bought a giant peony, cut off the stem and stitched it to the cap. Being a gardener is easy if you have a pair of old overalls, gloves and a hat. She was the hit of the party!


In 2008 we did Narnia. Can you tell what we all are? (Except my husband, who tried to claim he was C.S. Lewis. Yeah. I didn't buy it either.)

Toy Story


Now it's your turn.  Show me your favorite costumes from years past.  Here is a button.  Please link back here so everyone can come and play!


  1. I've added your bouton to my "this month's fun" section :) I LOVE the Toy Story outfits!!

  2. The sassy alien is so original. Love it.

  3. Your linky list is closed! :( I was gonna post mine!

    Love all your ideas!

  4. OK, so I'm trying to find the picture of us; we do a family 'costume' every year, the best was a Roman Holiday (ba-dum bum) Dad was a Centurion (short skirt, breastplate, the works!) I was Cleopatra, the boy was a Roman soldier, and the little one, I think he was about 2 at the time was in a furry lion costume.

    I know, right? I'm looking for it in the thousands of photos that I haven't put into albums yet.

    Yes, I'm looking.

  5. I love costumes...this is so fun. I am working away on this years'...hopefully it all comes together!

  6. I would participate in your link love but, unfortunately, I'm the only one who dresses up in our family (don't have kids and my husband doesn't have halloween spirit). My costumes aren't always cute either. One year I was a hot dog, one year I was Susan Boyle. Oy vey!


  7. Oh, this is perfect. Thank you. I'm looking for more ideas and I just started blogging about costumes I've created. So I get to play along AND get ideas. Great combo. :-)

  8. Love this!

    My absolute most favorite trick or treaters are families who get dressed up together. I never quite get parents who don't do this - its so adorable and makes for the most fab photos (not to mention hilarious memories)

    Love all of your ideas.
