Saturday, October 2, 2010

Plans Change

I had planned to blog much more this past week.  I still have a lot of details to share about the robot party.  Some of you know that last week I got a nasty case of mastitis that forced me to bed for a few days.  I was just recovering from that on Tuesday when my friend called to tell me that her mother had passed away from cancer that day and to ask me to do the flowers for her funeral on Friday.  Ironically, probably only to me, she died one year to the date after my friend, Ashleigh, passed away from cancer last year.  So blogging and other things have had to take a back seat as I located flowers and put together the casket spray, standing arrangements, and boutonnieres, for the funeral yesterday.  Despite all the work, I like doing funeral flowers, because I view it as a final act of service I can give someone.  Above is a close-up of the casket spray, before we unloaded it from my car.  Her favorite flowers were yellow roses with orange tips, so I used those and other similarly colored roses.

Today we are in Prescott, breathing the fresh air and watching this with my husband's family.  Hopefully, I am going to recover from the robot party/mastitis/funeral flowers this weekend and be ready for whatever adventures next week holds.

I fully intend to announce the winner of the Hello Hanna giveaway, and would like to invite you all to a Costume Parade linky party here on Monday!  So round up all of those pictures from Halloweens past.

...unless of course, something else comes up, and my plans change, again.  :-)  But that is life, isn't it?  And life is what counts most.

Please remember those who have lost loved ones in your prayers.
I know prayer can provide so much comfort. 


  1. I am glad you are feeling better and I am so sorry to hear about your friend's mother. The flowers were very beautiful and I am sure it brought your friend much comfort to know that they were taken care of so lovingly.

  2. Kendra -
    I am so sorry that you have been sick. I'm glad you are doing better. What a beautiful arrangement. I am sure your friend was so grateful to have them at the funeral.


  3. Life is definitely what counts...I have to remind myself of that daily!

    I loved the robot party! It was so fun...the colors were great and I loved that they could make their own little bots. Kudos!
