Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sidewalk Chalk Pictionary

We've been enjoying lots of casual get-togethers with family this summer! The weather while visiting my family in Utah, has been lovely! Since the weather in AZ isn't so lovely this time of year, I've wanted to take advantage of every opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors!

I felt like playing a board-type game the other night when my family was over, but wanted to be outside--so Sidewalk Chalk Pictionary was born! We played it with the game board the first night, but another night, we just kept score and didn't worry about the game board. NOTE: We were playing with young children, so we relaxed on most of the rules and let people pick what they wanted to draw from the entire card.

This was a lot of fun! Having a big canvas for drawing makes it easier for everyone to see and allows room for creativity in your drawings. We simply used a spray water bottle and an old towel to wipe up the chalk.
Except for when my sister's ridiculously artistic family started cranking out the masterpieces. These ones didn't get erased!
 This kid has some mad skills in chalk and photoshop. Can't wait to see who decides to pay him the big bucks to exploit his great talents.
His big sister has been drawing realistic animals since she was a tiny girl. She wowed my kiddos with this shaded Pegasus sketch.

And now for some fun...

See if you can guess what each of these drawings are!
Leave your answers in the comments. I'll post the real answers on my Facebook page in a day or two:



you might want to enlarge this one


  1. Is #2 the Smithsonian Institute? Or Museum of Natural History? (ha-ha, just trying my luck!)

  2. I'll give you that one! It was just museum. Congrats!

    Any guesses on the other two? #3 is pretty funny, but you have to look closely. It was drawn by my 10 year old.
